When payday came my Mom went to Wal-Mart and got me a "new bed" which I love. Here is a picture she took of me laying in it. I put a lot of holes in my old round bed and pulled out the stuffing's. Thanks Mom! You're the best!
She also got me some real smoked flavor, OINKIES, pig skin twists. I love them! Last package she got me was peanut butter flavored. I chewed them all up. DELICIOUS! Most likely will do the same to my smoked flavored OINKIES!
I just love to chew all the time! If I'm not chewing I'm biting my blanket which is full of holes now and the only reason I do that is when I'm so stressed out when a storm comes. When I hear thunder and see lightening and it just freaks me out. Mom gives me a Children's Benadryl to calm my nerves and it helps. She coats the pill with peanut butter that I really love. She also told me she will be getting me a thunder shirt next and that should help me as well. I hope so! I just hate thunderstorms! I also don't like the flash on a camera because it makes me think that it's lightening and I go to barking my head off!